And hello to my 2 or 3 readers. Thanks for stopping by and making me part of your day. I haven't had much to say as of late - that combined with Thumper's motto "If you can't say thumthin nice...don't say nuthin at all" has kept me away and working on other projects.
In case you haven't looked outside or perhaps live in a cave, fall is approaching and the days are getting shorter. The festival tour dates are winding down, but I definitely got in my "fair" share of midway food and rockin concerts. This summer has treated me to some great local "warm-up" bands, as well as introducing me to yet another new national artist. That is why concerts (and country artists) are contagious.
I started out with BuckyCovingtonitis (why did the spell checker not laugh at that?) which I thought was bad enough. The symptoms were terrible, I spent hours glued to the TV screen, only to end up in tears at the end. The TV symptoms wore off but were replaced by the need to buy concert tickets and merchandise. Now this was all pretty much ok. Loving one artist is pretty easy, following one tour schedule even easier. Requesting one artists songs? Piece of cake! I can speed dial 4 radio stations for requests in record time. I was quite happy with the way my BuckyCovingtonitis manifested, I made the local shows and had a ton of fun, and then expanded my "travel radius" to accomodate even more shows. No big deal - only one artist! I can do this, I can cope with BuckyCovingtonitis.
Unfortunately my BuckyCovingtonitis made me extremely vulnerable to Acute JasonMichaelCarroll Syndrome which I promptly caught. It is clearly highly contagious, as I passed on to both my husband and my mother. The syndrome manifests similar to BuckyCovingtonitis, with the exception of you now have to follow 2 tours, request for 2 artists - and find places for that extra merchandise (oooo look, a new t-shirt design!) I was not expecting to catch Acute Jason Michael Carroll Syndrome, but I caught it anyway. I blame the Raisin the Bar tour on that one, so I am thinking that the Acute JasonMichaelCarroll Syndrome is a mutation of BuckyCovingtonitis - but no lab tests would show that.
So I dedicated my spring, summer - and soon fall to my disorders. I extend my travel radius as needed (2 hours max, no farther than....ok, we can make that show, only 3 hour drive....well, 3hrs and 46 minutes is really CLOSE to the 3 hour cutoff). I should have expanded my travel radius to both oceans in no time at this rate. I have to say this has been a rockin great summer music wise - even with BuckyCovingtonit
So the saying goes - one thing leads to another. It does indeed. I can only hope that I can get this under control soon. I have at least 5 more shows coming up, who knows what might happen. And don't even get me started about my Ideopathic DierksBentley Disorder or my LukeBryan Fever....