And Winnie over at Buckymania is off on a new endeavor which will take her away from her blogging duties. I wish her the best, and hope to see her back blogging periodically (We will miss you terribly Winnie!)
I am posting some prognostications on the upcoming (and vacant) tour schedule. It has to be coming out soon, but in the meantime keep checking in with Buckytown USA for their most excellent sidebar, and also
One coming up in my neck of the woods, Rhinelander - if I want to join 10 or 20 thousand other fans. I learned last summer that I am not a "huge" fan of "huge" music festivals. They have their good points most definitely, lots of vendors and food choices, lots of acts, lots of fans to share the experience with. Tickets are usually quite reasonable for the number of acts as well. Often to the tune of $60 ish a day, not too shabby for 3 or 4 great acts. My only complaint is, well - lots of fans. We haven't been able to bankroll VIP seating or even reserved thusfar, so we end up way out in the back 40. I suspect that I saw Taylor Swift last summer - Brad Paisley too. But I wasn't close enough to confirm....thank goodness for the big screens, at least I could see who I was "seeing". But I am not for sitting 300 rows back, fighting upstream for food and bathroom breaks, etc. Too difficult. It might well be a different story if we go reserved or VIP - stay tuned for a review of that adventure later this summer.
In the meantime, I leave you with a photo from my archives.