Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Where to now?

Sorry for the major lack of updates. I was pretty much out of Bucky updates that weren't redundant. Editorials are great - but I often think of them when I am nowhere near a computer, and by the time I am - the idea has gone poof. I have been spending the last few weeks trying to decide whether to close the blog all together, whether to recreate the blog as something else, etc. Some of the options I have been pondering:

I would love to do an animal control blog. It is my job and my life. I have more fun, more emotion, and more challenges than I have ever had in a previous job. I have tear-jerker stories to share, along with ones that are downright hilarious, and a few that would have been potential challenges for "Fear Factor".

I would really like to start a fan blog for another new country artist, along the lines of Buckytown and Buckmania. These are excellent resources for the fans, and a great way to get your one-stop news and updates.

I could shut this blog down, or simply update it periodically. Bucky is an amazing artist and a wonderful subject to blog about, but I found myself struggling for topics day-to-day that were not simply recounts of what someone else had said.

So that is where we stand - no where in particular. I haven't forgotten the blog or the readers, I just don't have much to say right now.

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