So I stumbled into an online auction for an autographed guitar, and thought - well, that is cool - who autographed it? The answer: Cast and crew of Big Brother. See for yourself
CBS Big Brother signed guitar (Former HG's &Production) - eBay (item 190258478502 end time Oct-20-08 19:00:00 PDT)Now I officially confess to being a Reality TV-a-holic...fortunately I am able to keep it slightly controlled through the modern miracle of network TV (wahoo!) So I have been known to watch most everything they put in front of me if it involves watching someone
else live. Perhaps a bit voyeuristic? Who knows. If I am, many are equally guilty as evidenced by ratings.
I have been known to watch "So You Think You Can Dance", "Dancing with the Stars", "Survivor", "Next Top Model", "Amazing Race"...and yes, shocking..."American Idol"! As for the above mentioned guitar - yep, they have me too, I watch "Big Brother". Nothing more amusing than a bunch of lab mice trying to sort things out without killing each other, all the while having every moment filmed.
So when I saw the autographed guitar, my first thought was - COOL! Then I thought about it a bit more...aside from Evel Dick, I don't see any major connection between a guitar, and the theme of the show. They don't try and start a rock band while living in the house (thank you very much), they were lucky enough to score some video games - I think Guitar Hero might have been one, but umm...still not a major connection. So what is the allure with the guitar for me? Nothing - zip, zilch, nada. Were they house guests and crew to sign oh, I don't know - the Power of Veto box - that I would go for. Autographs on the wheel of doom that they put those keys in? You betcha, I would be game for that too. Even that rubber ducky that spent the summer cruising in circles in the little least the ducky was there. Sign the ducky, and I have a memento of the show.
Comparison - lets say you are a big fan of "Amazing Race" - so they hold an auction for a pair of

Mark Ballas dancing shoes. Sweet - dancing shoes...and those relate to Amazing Race how???? Give me one of those cool "detour" cards, that to me screams "Amazing Race"; dancing shoes? Not so much.
So I am not bidding on the guitar - if you do, good luck in the auction. If you see the "Power of Veto" box up for sale, give me a shout. I am heading off next week to see Jason Michael Carroll, Trace Adkins and Craig Morgan - maybe they will have some Bucky Covington merchandise for sale...