Greetings all. I am going to try and get this derailment back on track. I apologize to the readers for the absence, there have been some family issues that have consumed much of both my time and thoughts. Nothing earth shattering, no one is dying or being born, just an accumulation that kept building up until enough was enough. BUT - as they say...enough about me!
Our boy Bucky Covington should be sitting somewhere around Nashville at this time, either wandering the Fan Fest and chatting, or enjoying a little down time at his house before the booth tomorrow and Friday. Be sure and check in at 2008 CMA Music Festival for updates, photos, and then you can check out 2008 CMA Music Festival for all the great fan gear you missed out on. Since I am *NOT* going to be a the biggest bash that country music sees yearly - I figured I should be happy I am not going. Thusly I bring you :
"Top 10 Reasons I am Happy I am Not Going to FanFest"
1o. Can save my sunscreen money and put it towards gas instead.
9. Don't need to lug around AND keep track of my "stuff" (see previous post)
8. Don't need to listen to the hubby whine as I drag him from one end of the fest to the other just to check and make sure I am not missing something really important.
7. Didn't have to battle it out with 1000's of other fans for a coveted motel room.
6. Don't need to worry about being stuck behind the tall guy with the cowboy hat.
5. I can work and save up $ for my upcoming "dates with Bucky"!
4. I don't need to worry about missing Bucky's concert because I got lost on the way there when I stopped to talk to Jason Michael Carroll.
3. I need not worry that the person in front of me or behind me might be FAMOUS and I don't recognize them.
2. I can keep my concert shirts clean for another week.
1. I will enjoy recaps and photos TWICE as much as I would if I went myself.
Soooo there we have it. I am thrilled that I am not going, you couldn't drag me there dangling Bucky 5 feet in front of me the entire way, nope nope. Alright, I give - I wish I was there and I think that speaks for all of us who aren't going. I hope all the Buckaneers have a safe and wonderful time, bring back pics, memories and some new Buckaneers! I will be thinking of y'all!
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