With Bucky still firmly ensconced in the arms of CMA Fest, and the big show coming up tomorrow night (wish I was there!) it is a slow news day. I was wondering what I might have to post. Far

be it for me to be speechless, I am a Leo...so courtesy of Google and the Winfield Roundup's deliciously updated website - I am sharing some pics, and then the link of our favorite boy(s), Bucky Covington and the band - including some fantastic pics of Rocky (finally, a photographer who knows how to cover the band!)
I feel that I should apologize
profusely for the obvious and flamboyant overuse of photos in todays post, I also apologize for the absence of a post yesterday - but holy hotcakes, these are some smoking hot shots, and they were begging to be shared. So

again I am sorry, I hope everyone can forgive the transgression. There are even more super great shots on the Winfield Roundup website. Take a look at
Friday May 29thSo yep, normally I don't post anyone else's pictures - and most

definitely don't post a gazillion of them in one day, but every once in a while one most over indulge. I hope you enjoy the shots, and like I said, be sure and check out that website for more! Me, I am going to print a few off and put them under my pillow. The tooth fairy used to pay pretty good for teeth, I wonder what the going rate is for hot Bucky and Rocky pics?
On a completely self serving note, I have a perfect trifecta of shows coming up in July. I am absolutely thrilled to be able to attend 3 Bucky shows in 1 week. I will be "dating" Bucky in 3 states over the week of July 6-13, chasing him from IL to WI to IA. I promise to attend fully armed with cameras and to report back any and all Bucky related activity. Just a wee bit under a month until the "date"s, I hope Bucky is looking forward to it as much as I am
Added: This last shot has left me both rather amused and perplexed. Click on it to see a larger version, and feel free to leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts! (hint: bud lite)
1 comment:
Inquiring minds want to know! Is it being tossed to him or from him? I can't see Bucky tossing a beer can out into the crowd so I'm thinking that it was directed towards him. Next the question wil be why? Did he tell the crowd he was thristy or wishing he could share a drink with them? If they were being mean to Bucky, I'm going to hunt them down and make them pay!!!!!!!!!!
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