Check out Bucky's MySpace starting tomorrow for daily trivia questions about the It's Good To Be Us Video. Daily prizes for the first correct answer each day and then a grand prize at the end, yippee! Study up on the video, watch it and do your homework. This is a great chance to up those live streams on CMT.
Also a note about promoting the single, Bucky's slip on Billboard's charts dropped him 2 spots. We need to work harder to increase his airplay and his fan base. There is a ton of competition on the country chart right now, so this is not going to be something we can do overnight. We need to buckle down and help move him back up the charts. Spread the Bucky love! Call and request and keep those live streams going!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Lost in Buckyland
EEK! I forgot to post yesterday. I am very sorry, I was perusing show pics from my collection and admiring the scenery that is Bucky and must have gotten lost in the moment. Easy to get lost in Buckyland, we all do it. Nice place to get lost if you ask me, made even better by the fact that if you were to take a wrong turn in Buckyland, you just might end up in Rockyland - oh the agony. I figure it is only fair to share the pic that was all consuming last night. I didn't even want to close the window for fear it might not be there later. It is thank heavens, begging to be shared so here it is.

Of course to be fair, if one were to take that wrong turn and end up in Rockyland, you might find something very Buckyland like, yet very different...
Probably no need to give the standard reminders, but here they are. Call and request, ask 5 of your friends to do it too! Lets increase those spins and bring Bucky back towards #15 (currently #16 on mediabase, but #18 (eek!) on Billboard. Live stream the video too while you are visiting CMT, lets get it into the regular rotation. Check GAC for the Top 20 Countdown, get your vote in and be counted. When you are done there, head over to CMT and vote some more - check out Top 20 along with Pure 12 Pack. We have a voice, a very loud one I might add - have your say about Bucky's It's Good To Be Us and be heard.
Check out the new widget thingy over yonder on the right too, you can't really miss it. I am code ignorant, so thanks to the widget folks for making it idiot proof, you are awesome! Please feel free to snag said widget thingy and add it to your own site - myspace, live journal etc. Click "Get Code" on the bottom right and it pretty much does it for you once you select what you want to add it to. If you happen to add it on my request, post a reply to the blog so I can check out your site!
Probably no need to give the standard reminders, but here they are. Call and request, ask 5 of your friends to do it too! Lets increase those spins and bring Bucky back towards #15 (currently #16 on mediabase, but #18 (eek!) on Billboard. Live stream the video too while you are visiting CMT, lets get it into the regular rotation. Check GAC for the Top 20 Countdown, get your vote in and be counted. When you are done there, head over to CMT and vote some more - check out Top 20 along with Pure 12 Pack. We have a voice, a very loud one I might add - have your say about Bucky's It's Good To Be Us and be heard.
Check out the new widget thingy over yonder on the right too, you can't really miss it. I am code ignorant, so thanks to the widget folks for making it idiot proof, you are awesome! Please feel free to snag said widget thingy and add it to your own site - myspace, live journal etc. Click "Get Code" on the bottom right and it pretty much does it for you once you select what you want to add it to. If you happen to add it on my request, post a reply to the blog so I can check out your site!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Leapfrog and a loss
Bucky is playing leapfrog on Mediabase with Taylor Swift. I find this at least a bit amusing metaphorically speaking. He started the day at 17, but is now back at 15 (at least for now). Taylor has been bouncing around as well but her solid numbers indicate Bucky will end up losing the leapfrog game at least short term. There are a LOT of great songs on the chart right now, so lots of competition for everyone. We need to keep upping our requests and increasing airplay so that we can keep Bucky on the chart and moving up. Request, request and request.
Spread the love too, let others know about Bucky. That is what it is really all about, we know who the fans are - you and me. Introduce others to him, if you are hanging at Starbucks (once they reopen after their 3 hour training) and have your laptop going, play a little Bucky. People might just hear it and ask you about him and you might just win him a brand new fan. Do that a few more times? Who knows! The possibilities are endless!

We lost the power picks today, voted alot and still lost. Taylor is a tough one to beat, and "Our Song" is a great song (the saying goes something like 'well, if I had to lose, at least I lost to you'). Fair enough loss wise.
Sounds like March 3rd is the big reveal, the day we find out if Bucky made the cut for the CMT Music Awards. Keep your fingers, toes, arms, kids fingers and toes, dogs paws, etc crossed for this one. Great chance for our boy!
My bullet is bigger than your bullet...
Still holding at #15 on the illustrious Mediabase chart.
The bullet is bigger than it was yesterday, honest! There are some bigger hitters coming up from behind, but if you nudge those folks without bullets down the list a bit - we are sitting pretty and hanging tough. The charts are still something of a mystery to me but I know far more now then I ever thought I would.
We should have news coming soon from CMT to let us know if our diligent and furious voting for A Different World paid off in regards to the CMT Awards nominations. I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting, probably will have gnawed off all my finger nails by the time the news comes out. To keep us busy until then, head over to CMT Tuesday at 12PM ET for Power Picks - as promised It's Good To Be Us has another match up, this time against Taylor Swift's Our Song. This is going to be a tough one to win so we need all fingers on the mice clicking. These are huge opportunities for us to show off our Bucky, so lets do it!
And before signing off, here is the standard Public Service Announcement - call and request It's Good To Be Us, visit CMT and GAC and vote for it too. Stream it on CMT (or anywhere else you can find it!) and help us keep moving Bucky up the charts.
The bullet is bigger than it was yesterday, honest! There are some bigger hitters coming up from behind, but if you nudge those folks without bullets down the list a bit - we are sitting pretty and hanging tough. The charts are still something of a mystery to me but I know far more now then I ever thought I would.
We should have news coming soon from CMT to let us know if our diligent and furious voting for A Different World paid off in regards to the CMT Awards nominations. I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting, probably will have gnawed off all my finger nails by the time the news comes out. To keep us busy until then, head over to CMT Tuesday at 12PM ET for Power Picks - as promised It's Good To Be Us has another match up, this time against Taylor Swift's Our Song. This is going to be a tough one to win so we need all fingers on the mice clicking. These are huge opportunities for us to show off our Bucky, so lets do it!
And before signing off, here is the standard Public Service Announcement - call and request It's Good To Be Us, visit CMT and GAC and vote for it too. Stream it on CMT (or anywhere else you can find it!) and help us keep moving Bucky up the charts.
Monday, February 25, 2008
It's all about the bling...
Have you ever noticed how the new country artists seem to be sporting more and more jewelry! And not just the girls - the men get their bling on too. I have seen Bucky sporting a variety of necklaces and pendants, earrings and rings, and the coolest bracelets. Used to be a guy was dressed up in a belt buckle and maybe a pair of spurs, plus the occasional bolo tie.
Nowadays I think the guys may well spend as much time coordinating their bling as the ladies do picking out shoes. I love it, nothing greater on a guy than some shiny stuff to draw a little extra attention. It isn't enough for me to see it, I have to know what it is too, and if I could I would like to know the why behind it. Bucky wears rings on a chain around his neck, and I swear at one of my meet and greets (powers that be permitting I get more) I am going to ask what the significance is. I know they mean something special, I just don't know what that is. It probably really isn't any of my business either, but there is just
something kinda sexy about men and their jewelry. One of his bracelets has what appears to be mice on it - cute little sterling mice. I am sure they are not mice, but once again I don't know. I really need to ask. If and when I get the chance (and remember the clear urgency of the question) I will post it here to satisfy other curious minds.
Speaking of bling - how about we send Bucky's single, It's Good To Be Us up the charts - I am pretty sure we can turn a single either gold or platinum. I am sure he would like something blingy to hang in his house, something we all helped make. You want a part of that deal? Keep doing what you are doing - and you know by now what that is. For the new viewer or two that stumbles onto the blog while googling "bling" and gets here on accident - call your local country station and tell them you want to hear "It's Good To Be Us" by Bucky Covington. In a few hours (shift change) call and tell them again. If we can up those spins, I am sure we can get something gold or platinum for Bucky, and I am sure he will love it!
Nowadays I think the guys may well spend as much time coordinating their bling as the ladies do picking out shoes. I love it, nothing greater on a guy than some shiny stuff to draw a little extra attention. It isn't enough for me to see it, I have to know what it is too, and if I could I would like to know the why behind it. Bucky wears rings on a chain around his neck, and I swear at one of my meet and greets (powers that be permitting I get more) I am going to ask what the significance is. I know they mean something special, I just don't know what that is. It probably really isn't any of my business either, but there is just

Speaking of bling - how about we send Bucky's single, It's Good To Be Us up the charts - I am pretty sure we can turn a single either gold or platinum. I am sure he would like something blingy to hang in his house, something we all helped make. You want a part of that deal? Keep doing what you are doing - and you know by now what that is. For the new viewer or two that stumbles onto the blog while googling "bling" and gets here on accident - call your local country station and tell them you want to hear "It's Good To Be Us" by Bucky Covington. In a few hours (shift change) call and tell them again. If we can up those spins, I am sure we can get something gold or platinum for Bucky, and I am sure he will love it!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Observations and Opinions

Speaking of holding spots - we are still at 16 on Mediabase. It is just a baby step from #15, a few extra requests and video streams away. On the subject of video streams - they are cruel and unusual punishment for those of us on dial up. It just doesn't happen, we are lucky we can stream email much less video.
I can sometimes persuade You Tube to work in my favor, I can buffer a 3 minute video in just over an hour, then watch it assuming it buffered correctly. While spending an hour buffering a video may seem like a complete waste of time, for those of us still living with one foot still firmly planted in the stone age it is the only way we get Bucky videos.
No cable tv, no cable internet. Just me , my rabbit ears and 1 phone line - and Bucky videos on the days I have that hour to spare.
Call and request It's Good To Be Us - and while you are at it, add a live stream or 5 for those of us who can't.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Sweet 16

Right back in that cozy #16 slot on Mediabase. This charts business would keep an accountant busy 24/7. Looks like there are a few that may sneak by, but others are sliding down the charts as well - we should be able to hold tight around #16 for a while, perhaps even long enough to snag that coveted #15 on Billboard!
Bucky's next single should be just around the bend as well - no word that I have heard as to what it is, but all the more reason for us to give a big push to It's Good To Be Us - nothing sweeter than to say "Bucky's new single XXXXX, follow up to his 2 Top 10 hits". Get busy, get calling, get those fingers voting on CMT and GAC - keep pushing. Get those requests in!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
The Great Reveal, Congrats - and Ooops!
Oops - we slipped back a spot on Mediabase! Lots of moving around going on, songs sneaking up on Bucky and overtaking him. All the more reason to keep dialing, keep requesting - and keep pushing him up the charts. This does not happen on it's own, we need to work just a bit on it. If you are doing a little bit, do a little bit more - if you are doing a lot, way to go! Call and request It's Good To Be Us - or even drop an email to your local dj asking him to spin it for you. Go Bucky!
Congrats on the Power Picks win! Great voting skills ladies and gents! This win should get us back in the spotlight in another week or so for another match-up. Awesome!

And - the great reveal! I promised it would come, and it has. It has been revealed both on Bucky Covington's official website and on IG2BU's sister blog
The short story is that we are inviting Bucky fans nationwide to participate in a very large PDA (public display of (Bucky) affection). Bucky Buddies are plush animals that are being Buckified prior to being donated to childrens hospitals. Here is one of the little dudes anxiously awaiting his chance to go to a new home.
Congrats on the Power Picks win! Great voting skills ladies and gents! This win should get us back in the spotlight in another week or so for another match-up. Awesome!

And - the great reveal! I promised it would come, and it has. It has been revealed both on Bucky Covington's official website and on IG2BU's sister blog
The short story is that we are inviting Bucky fans nationwide to participate in a very large PDA (public display of (Bucky) affection). Bucky Buddies are plush animals that are being Buckified prior to being donated to childrens hospitals. Here is one of the little dudes anxiously awaiting his chance to go to a new home.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
And back to 16!
Round and round she goes, where she stops nobody knows. Sometimes the charts seem that way, Bucky was politely bumped to #16 on Mediabase by a very popular up and coming song (check the charts), but should be back safely in the #15 spot soon with just a little help from his friends. Get in those requests, stream the video, request it on GAC and CMT - and while you are at it, check out Power Picks on CMT tomorrow - Bucky's It's Good To Be Us has a match up, and we could certainly use all hands on deck to help win this one!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sneak peak - and keep requesting!
Team Wisconsin has been quietly working in the background on a project that we hope will become an annual, nationwide event. Complete details will be revealed in a couple days both on BCO, and on It's Good To Be Us' sister blog,
Not unlike movie theaters though, we are offering a little preview
of things to come. Wondering what exactly that is? All the more reason for you to check back! All will be disclosed soon!
Check out Bucky's myspace where he has announced a cool new contest coming up - and study up on the It's Good To Be Us video over on CMT. Sounds like we are going to have daily trivia questions based on the video, complete with daily prizes! Yippee! This is a great time to bring in new fans, both by word of mouth, radio play and videos. Keep calling and requesting, and email links to your friends so they can stream the video too! Let everyone know that thanks to Bucky It's Good To Be Us!
Not unlike movie theaters though, we are offering a little preview

Check out Bucky's myspace where he has announced a cool new contest coming up - and study up on the It's Good To Be Us video over on CMT. Sounds like we are going to have daily trivia questions based on the video, complete with daily prizes! Yippee! This is a great time to bring in new fans, both by word of mouth, radio play and videos. Keep calling and requesting, and email links to your friends so they can stream the video too! Let everyone know that thanks to Bucky It's Good To Be Us!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Thank you and keep those fingers dialing!

Just wanted to take a moment to say a huge thank you to Winnie over at the popular and fabulous (and well written!)
She has said many kind words both about this blog and the concert photos that I have taken. If you have not visited Buckymania, it is THE place to check out what is going on with Bucky. Winnie, you are awesome!
Back to the charts - Bucky is holding strong at #15 on Mediabase which is GREAT news! Once we get a good hold on a spot, we can start the climb once again. Keep doing what you are doing, and ask a friend or two to do it with you. Call and request, live stream the video on CMT, and get in your votes for It's Good To Be Us over on GAC and CMT (links to the right). It may be a long road for us to get him there, but in the words of Garth Brooks (said to Jason Michael Carroll regarding hitting the big time) - it is the sweetest road.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
And now for something completely different...

On the charts front - Bucky is actually (visibly even to me!) holding at this very moment at #15 on Mediabase! He has been dancing there off and on all weekend. Great news! Looks like the old #17 is history, and that #15 is a sign of things to come (such as #10, #5, #1!) Great work everyone! Keep spreading the Bucky love, phone in those requests and get in those online votes for GAC and CMT. Stream the video too while you are at it, keep it running in the background (if you are on dial up, I apologize for even suggesting live streaming anything - it just doesn't happen on dial up). Keep those fingers limber, we still have our work cut out for us, but the road is looking pretty smooth.

Early news today reported that Bucky had hit #15 on the mediabase weighted chart, though once again when I check the chart, it shows different...either I have horrible timing or I simply cannot interpret the chart. Either way, he is still climbing with that lovely bullet. Keep calling and keep calling to request!
News from the touring front, Bucky's bus has been fully Zippo'fied, and he has a lovely Zippo backdrop for fan photos. Can't wait to see the bus, it was a nice looking bus before - now it must be stunning! Guess that solves the long time mystery of what color the bus is though - it is now zippo colored!
News from the touring front, Bucky's bus has been fully Zippo'fied, and he has a lovely Zippo backdrop for fan photos. Can't wait to see the bus, it was a nice looking bus before - now it must be stunning! Guess that solves the long time mystery of what color the bus is though - it is now zippo colored!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Flirting with Sweet 16
This morning reports indicated that Bucky was sitting sweet 16 on Mediabase weighted, but in viewing it tonight he seems to be back in that cozy 17 spot. This is great news, as each step up the ladder seems to involve just a couple steps back and forth before it settles in. By the end of the weekend we should have that #16 spot solid (knock on wood).
Today also brought Bucky a victory on CMT's Power Picks (great voting gang!) Keep streaming It's Good To Be Us on CMT, and keep those dialing fingers busy requesting. That sweet 16 spot is just a weee bit closer to #1, we can do it!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines!
No better Valentines gift in my opinion than catching Bucky live - which I did not, so in lieu of that I enjoyed a small handful of Bucky's latest youtube exploits -
Lots of fun, I am so glad he has released new snips of their antics on tour! Bucky is back and hitting the pavement hard, lots of dates coming up, be sure and check Bucky's tour page.
And while you are watching the videos and planning your time with Bucky at the upcoming shows, take a minute and call in that request for It's Good To Be Us.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
It IS Good To Be Us!
Yippee! Bucky has a Wisconsin date that I had thought was a county fair, and it has just been confirmed that it is! Bucky will be at the Jefferson County Fair on Friday, July 11. I have had the privilege of seeing the band that is opening for him that night, Madison County and want to say they are AWESOME! It is going to be a fabulous night and I am very much looking forward to it.
Want to bring Bucky to your town? Keep requesting It's Good To Be Us on your local (and even not so local!) radio stations. The higher up the charts we can push him, the more shows we will see him at. Pick up that phone!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Keep requesting!
Not much to say today, my BCO is not playing nice so I cannot access the boards :(
I will ask that everyone continue calling your local radio stations to request It's Good To Be Us, keep calling keep requesting, we can bring Bucky to #1 if we all work at it!
I will ask that everyone continue calling your local radio stations to request It's Good To Be Us, keep calling keep requesting, we can bring Bucky to #1 if we all work at it!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Bucky Montage

What you ask is better than one Bucky? How about lots of Bucky's! While the image to the left is a work in progress, I wanted to share it. I have mentioned in my other blog, I am seriously loving playing with Bucky photos. I am learning as I go, and enjoying every baby step I take. What better way to show Bucky love? Well, aside from the daily requests for IG2BU of course - which reminds me, pick up your phone, if you are on dial up - log off. Call now and request It's Good To Be Us, help us take Bucky to the top!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
17 With a Bullet
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Hanging tough
Bucky holding at #18 on the Mediabase charts, still has his shiny bullet though! Keep upping those requests, if you added one extra - add another, and ask your friends to do the same. There is a LOT of competition on the charts and Bucky cannot do this without our help!
Want to take this opportunity to promote Bucky's fan club as well, I have a link posted over there on the right titled "Bucky Covington Online". If you are not a club member, you are missing out on lots of great "freebies" being posted by teams. Need a February Bucky calendar page? How about new wallpaper for your pc? Maybe a nice bookmark to hold your is all there and free for the taking thanks to the kindness of Bucky's fan club members. Membership doesn't cost much when you count all the freebies and friends you will make, plus the chance for meet and greets with Bucky at his concerts. Pretty good deal if you ask me! Over at BCO, It's Good To Be Us!
Want to take this opportunity to promote Bucky's fan club as well, I have a link posted over there on the right titled "Bucky Covington Online". If you are not a club member, you are missing out on lots of great "freebies" being posted by teams. Need a February Bucky calendar page? How about new wallpaper for your pc? Maybe a nice bookmark to hold your is all there and free for the taking thanks to the kindness of Bucky's fan club members. Membership doesn't cost much when you count all the freebies and friends you will make, plus the chance for meet and greets with Bucky at his concerts. Pretty good deal if you ask me! Over at BCO, It's Good To Be Us!
Friday, February 8, 2008
For a friend

While this blog is all about Bucky, a big part of being a Bucky fan is being part of an awesome huge family of fans. Tomorrow (Friday) one of our family is undergoing surgery for breast cancer, and I wanted to ask everyone to take a moment and say a prayer, dedicate a warm thought, or simply take a break. Lisa - I think it is safe to say that the entire BCO family has you in their hearts, feel better soon and wishing you a speedy recovery. As I mentioned on BCO, I hope if you end up seeing pink elephants that they are singing Bucky's songs to you. I know you are strong, and we are right there beside you!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
One step forward,
Two steps back...ok, really one step back. Bucky bumped back from #17 on the chart to #18 overnight - oops! Lots of bullets there though so lots of shifting around going on. If everyone can do one extra request daily that can help us get Bucky moving back in the right direction. We are soooo close to #15 we can almost taste it, and no one deserves to keep moving up more than Bucky! Phone in that extra request or email it in, let them know we want to keep hearing more Bucky. Not sure who your local radio station is? Check
Keep plugging away everyone, we can do it!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
"It's Good To Be Us"
Well baby, there ain't no maybe about it
I ain't made of money
So I know that you ain't hangin round for that
If it grew on trees
The branches on mine wouldn't have no leaves
On a shoe-string, saving every dime we made
No Cadillac cruising, no boat on a lake
Out in no-man's-land on an old two-lane
Yeah but we like it that way
It's good to be us,
good to be breathing
Day after night after day, this feeling
Feels the way it should
If this is as good as it gets, then good
It's good to be us
Aw, give me this air and give me this land
When I lay down at night girl, give me your hand
I can take any hurt this world has to give
As long as I got you, as long as I live
I'll make your life as sweet as I can
I'll move every mountain to be that man
That gives you space and a place to land
You wake up smiling, knowing that
It's good to be us,
good to be breathing
Day after night after day, this feeling
Feels the way it should
If this is as good as it gets, then good
It's better than best, yeah we got it made
In the shade, in the sun, in love this way - yeah
We got lucky baby, we've been blessed
Couldn't ask for more, wouldn't settle for less
It's good to be us, yeah, it's good to be us
It's good to be us,
good to be breathing
Day after night after day, this feeling
Feels the way it should
If this is as good as it gets, then good
It's better than best, yeah we got it made
In the shade, in the sun, in love this way - yeah
We got lucky baby, we've been blessed
Couldn't ask for more, wouldn't settle for less
It's good to be us, yeah, it's good to be us
Baby, it's good to be us
So good to be us
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Congrats Bucky, and Get Your Vote On!

Not a bad Bucky day at all! Bucky has officially started his "award" collection, kicking it off with the CMT Online award for #1 Streamed Video from a new artist! Congrats Bucky (and fans), we are proud of you!
Fast forward to April 14th and hopefully Bucky will expand his award collection once again. Today brought the much awaited news that Bucky has been nominated for a CMT Music Award with a Breakthrough Video of the Year nod for A Different World.
Head over and vote, and don't forget to vote for Video Director of the Year Trey Fanjoy who directed ADW. This is the first round, so we need all hands voting to keep Bucky in the race. Go Bucky!
What's in it for me?
So lets say we bring Bucky to #1, what does that do for his fans? First thing it does is promise much more Bucky to come. The higher Bucky climbs the charts, the more spins. The more spins, the more tour venues who will bring him in. The more tour venues - the better the odds of catching him local. So what does it do for you? More Bucky! Call now and request It's Good to Be Us - then do it again tomorrow, tell your friends to do it too! Bring on the Bucky!
Keep an eye out for awards announcements this week too - CMT may have something in store for our Bucky, and if so - we will need all hands voting!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
#17 and Climbing!
Clearly Bucky is still rocking some socks out there - Its Good To Be Us has hit #17 on the mediabase charts - congrats Bucky! Number 1, here we come!!!
The dust is still being kicked up here, I have added voting links to show your Bucky love and will be adding more photos as well. I don't speak "HTML", so this is rather bland but it seems to be working thusfar!
Want to add a quick reminder - call your local country stations and keep requesting Its Good To Be Us!
We can get Bucky to #1 with a huge group effort. Thanks everyone for helping to make it to the big 17!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Come in, have a seat!
And let the Bucky blogs and websites begin. I have been wanting to start a fan blog for some time. Come in, have a seat. Pardon the sawdust while things get settled in, feel free to help yourself to a beer or a sweet tea :)

For those of you who wound up here by mistake - welcome as well! This is a fan blog for Bucky Covington and his fantastic band. Bucky was a top 12 finalist on American Idol Season 5, and released his self titled debut album in 2007. Bucky a good ol' boy from the south who is sweet as can be and talented to boot. If you haven't heard him, you can listen to clips on Bucky's myspace , I assure you it is well worth the trip.
For those of you who landed here on purpose - glad to have you here! As you well know, Bucky has released his second single "Its Good To Be Us" which has hit the Top 20 charts with a bang. Following on the heels of his first single "A Different World", "IG2BU" showcases Bucky at his best. Will post more later, but wanted to give a quick intro. Call your local DJ's and request It's Good To Be Us and help Bucky cruise up the charts. This is one country star who is in it for the long haul.
For those of you who wound up here by mistake - welcome as well! This is a fan blog for Bucky Covington and his fantastic band. Bucky was a top 12 finalist on American Idol Season 5, and released his self titled debut album in 2007. Bucky a good ol' boy from the south who is sweet as can be and talented to boot. If you haven't heard him, you can listen to clips on Bucky's myspace , I assure you it is well worth the trip.
For those of you who landed here on purpose - glad to have you here! As you well know, Bucky has released his second single "Its Good To Be Us" which has hit the Top 20 charts with a bang. Following on the heels of his first single "A Different World", "IG2BU" showcases Bucky at his best. Will post more later, but wanted to give a quick intro. Call your local DJ's and request It's Good To Be Us and help Bucky cruise up the charts. This is one country star who is in it for the long haul.
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