Probably no need to give the standard reminders, but here they are. Call and request, ask 5 of your friends to do it too! Lets increase those spins and bring Bucky back towards #15 (currently #16 on mediabase, but #18 (eek!) on Billboard. Live stream the video too while you are visiting CMT, lets get it into the regular rotation. Check GAC for the Top 20 Countdown, get your vote in and be counted. When you are done there, head over to CMT and vote some more - check out Top 20 along with Pure 12 Pack. We have a voice, a very loud one I might add - have your say about Bucky's It's Good To Be Us and be heard.
Check out the new widget thingy over yonder on the right too, you can't really miss it. I am code ignorant, so thanks to the widget folks for making it idiot proof, you are awesome! Please feel free to snag said widget thingy and add it to your own site - myspace, live journal etc. Click "Get Code" on the bottom right and it pretty much does it for you once you select what you want to add it to. If you happen to add it on my request, post a reply to the blog so I can check out your site!
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