Friday, September 19, 2008

Thought Depository

So things are really rocking and rolling with Bucky's devoted crew of fans organizing donations to St. Judes. Going to be awesome to get together and do this as a group without all the pressures of a contest. Just being kind and giving, it is a nice feeling.

On other fronts - I am in a bit of a fix over a medical situation with a close family member. No official word thus far as to exactly what the "situation" is. I can disclose that it involves an ovary and a cyst, and eventual surgery. It is not my ovary nor my cyst, but the diagnosis once that time comes it may well have a very large effect on my reality. Time will tell, and I will try and update as I feel it is necessary.

Also looking forward to next weeks Bucky show - I have no idea what to expect, but I am thinking it will be like one of those "unplugged" sort of things - maybe Steve and Ducky, with Bucky of course. Should be a great time, never seen the co-headliners either - hopefully I like them but don't fall in love, I can only afford so many indulgences.

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