Tonight I embarked on a journey to find at least mildly cool websites that are Bucky related. Lots of sifting and sorting, lots of fluff and a gazillion lyric sites (for those of us who don't already know every word to each of his songs by heart - likely backwards if quizzed). Also sorted out a few gems, a couple diamonds in the rough, and likely a place or two that you have been to many times but I just finally discovered.
Team California has a wealth of fan sites out there, but I just happened across this one. I admire it greatly as they have posted all the cool things (click the picture, and it is a link to someplace!) that I aspire to decipher and add at some point. It has all the voting links, some great radio station links and more more more - check out "Bucky Covington Fans Everywhere" at .
Also worth of a mention is Kathy G's "A Different World" fan site. The site has a rather "retro" look with an awesome photo gallery and some great classic wallpapers. The blog links to Team Covington, which has some great updates (I need to catch up!) Check "A Different World" at .
More: - fm/music/Bucky+Covington
Bucky quotes!
Great listing of free online country stations
PR Photos -
Wondering how to make those cool cricket noises? You are not the only one (I am still practicing, it is not pretty!)
How do I make a cricket chirping sound with my mouth? - Yahoo! Answers
And now for the daily public service messages- we still have our bullets and they are looking good! Keep up the calling and requesting for It's Good To Be Us, and don't forget to check in with GAC and CMT for the video votes. Still time to have your say for the CMT Awards as well, be sure and pitch in there so we can put that beautiful belt buckle in Bucky's hands at the live awards show! Hope everyone is having a great weekend, Spring is springing!
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