Wahoo! We won today's Power Picks (sorry Julio!) Great job everyone! Way to wind down the week and jump start the weekend. Lets see if we can finish the week with our shiny bullets back on mediabase too. The gap is smaller today, so we just have to keep doing what we are doing, and then step it up a little bit. If you can add just one request to each local country station a day to what you are doing, that should help get us back in fighting shape. Give a shout out to a few friends too and ask them to call and request It's Good To Be Us, lets get our bullets back AND jump a few spots higher.
I am sure at least one of the two or three readers that check the blog are at least mildly curious as to what the big deal about the bullets is. No better time than the present to share what little I have been able to figure out. The bullets show increased spins, lack of bullets = decreased spins. Why is the increase so important? A handful of reasons, most importantly keeping our eye on the prize - ideally a #1 hit! If we lose spins consistently, we can end up going recurrent. The paragraph below sums it up as I understand it, feedback both welcome and encouraged!
(thank you to Carriefans.com for the following) Basically, when a song reaches the top part of an airplay chart, it is given one chance to get as high as it can on the chart. Once the song has peaked and starts declining in airplay, it is designated as "recurrent" and is removed from the chart so as to give other songs their opportunity. This keeps the chart fresh with up-and-coming new songs. The criteria for determining when a song is declining varies. For Mediabase, it is generally when a song goes down in airplay for 3 straight weeks and may require that the song has dropped below a certain position on the chart. For Billboard, it usually requires that the song was on the chart for at least a certain number of weeks, is below position on ther chart, and is declining in airplay.
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