Power Picks are just not favoring Bucky the last couple weeks, glitches galore can be blamed for the majority, stiff competition to the remainder. Please remember to vote over at GAC and CMT for the It's Good To Be Us video for the Top 20 countdowns, and watch for more Power Picks matches.
Tomorrow evening will bring a welcome site into living rooms across the nation. While it may be a taped segment rather than live, Bucky Covington will be visiting American Idol along with Phil Stacey and Bo Bice. Set the tivo or DVR or VCR or whatever your recording means is for American Idol tomorrow night on FOX at 9PM ET.
I also want to take a moment and ask that everyone send warm thoughts and prayers to Elliot Yamin and family. Elliot's #1 fan, his mother Claudette Goldberg Yamin passed away Monday.
Time is quickly running out for your opportunity to say who gets the CMT Belt Buckle on April 14th. Head over to CMT and vote (requires free registration). Only we have the power to put that award in Bucky's hands, so please don't let this opportunity to vote pass you by.
Lastly giving a very BIG nudge to everyone to get those requests into their local DJs for It's Good To Be Us. We are sitting rather nicely on the charts currently, but our bullets are definitely lacking. Lets plump them up a bit and help drive It's Good To Be Us to that #10 spot!
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