Tonight was the night of my long awaited "date with Bucky". I have to say other people showed up - maybe a couple thousand, but they did not detract too much from the evening. I do need to point out to those couple thousand people though - I did not come to see them. They need to sit down, or stand up - but they need to stay put. We had aisle seats - great for an unobstructed view - when it was unobstructed, which wasn't all that often. Apparently someone left a trail of popcorn from somewhere down yonder, to somewhere up yonder - which all the hamsters felt the need to follow repeatedly. The beer was flowing freely, so some of the hamsters dallied a bit en route, others stumbled, others simply stood there wondering what they should do (hint: move!). I am sure all these hamsters paid their way in as we did, but again I need to mention - I did not pay to see them. I paid to see Bucky, and got a bonus Luke and Dierks thrown in for good measure...
I did manage to take (gasp) 2063 pictures. I need to sift through them, which will surely cut the number in half (lots of pictures of those traveling hamsters). I got to use my shiny new camera - which sports a fantastic 28.7x optical zoom when maximized (wahoo!). Bucky's set was as mentioned in previous reviews - short, painfully so. It consisted of American Friday Night, A Different World, I'll Walk, Suspicious Minds, The Wall, It's Good To Be Us, and Bible & the Belt. I may have missed a song, and that is not the set order - but it was an excellent set nonetheless. The acoustic hiccups mentioned in other reviews were not audible, Bucky definitely played "over" the band rather than under, and it all came together nicely. I need to say I missed the Bucky/Rocky duet with Every Rose, but Rocky did step up during IG2BU and gave me a decent fix.
So nothing like starting in the middle...Luke actually started off the show. He has a fiddle player who rocked and made me wish I had caught one of the shows that Caitlin joined Bucky for. Luke's set was also short, but full of energy. He did treat us to Good Directions, which is the entire reason I brought Billy Currington's CD. I had no idea Luke wrote it, but it was great to hear him sing it! The main act, Dierks had a much larger following at the show and got everyone off their feet for most of his show. He is full of energy too, and complimented Luke and Bucky well. I am hoping watching him work the stage is a preview of Bucky once he gets to design his own stage sets. Dierks ran faster than I have ever seen anyone move in cowboy boots, and
So the show rocked, it needed far more Bucky, but it still rocked. The meet and greet was short, but also awesome. We had to actually ride up the elevator to it and Terra was our escort, so had a chance to talk to her and gave her a pic of Rocky from a prior show which she appreciated. Did not see Katherine anywhere, but I am sure she was around someplace. Enough for now!
Mid thanks so much for the awesome recap. I am sure you got some awesome pictures and cant wait to see the prized ones. One thing about this "tour' we always walk away feeling we did not get enough Bucky. I have seen this tour twice and both times I left feeling 'short changed' because I wanted more BUCKY. He gives it his all for that 45 mins but dang...I want 90 mins of PURE BUCKY!
Wow! I'm with Lisa--awesome recap and it sure sounds like a fantastic time. Thanks to you both for bringing those of us who are "geographically disadvantaged" your memories of this tour!
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