Starting off with a plea for you to call your DJ's and request It's Good To Be Us. We are still holding at #11 on both Mediabase charts, but the bullets are not doing so good and could use a little help. Please take a little time today and call your local station(s) throughout the day and request It's Good To Be Us.
What else can we do to help Bucky out? Check out Bucky over at CMT : Bucky Covington : Artist Main. He has a message board there along with both his videos. Stream It's Good To Be Us while you are there (and any other time you get the chance). Stop over at the message board and say HI too. Feel free to join in on the conversations and make some new Bucky friends in the process. Doing all of these things will help us get Bucky back into the Top 20 Countdown, and help promote Bucky in the process.
While you are at it, head over to the AI Bucky boards and give a shout out. Lots of great Bucky fans there, and a great way to meet up with some old friends or make new ones. Lastly don't forget about GAC, get over there and get your vote in for It's Good To Be Us.
Have a great week!
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