It seems that everyone has an opinion about something. Politics, recycling, global warming, war, education, crime - all things quite worthy of having an opinion about. You may even wish to express your opinion through action, words or pictures. My opinions? Not into politics, need to work on recycling, worried about global warming, the war sucks, I have had enough education thank you - and crime is stupid. That said, I am not anticipating much fall out from my opinions. I don't expect pages of replies or hoards of new visitors coming to tell me what is what, and why.
Where, when and why do people voice their opinion about someone else's opinion? It seems that negative words bring that reaction, if I were to say "all dogs are horrible" I might fan a flame or two and elicit responses to both educate me that I am wrong. A couple folks may even chastise me for what I said. Of course if you hate dogs, you might well cheer me on and wish me luck in the battle against dogs. What does this have to do with anything you ask?
Well, it seems like Bucky fans have been spending a lot of time defending him these last few days. With new singles come new reviews, and reviews are opinions. Not all of these reviews for I'll Walk have been what I would call "glittering". Some are downright less than polite, nearly inciting riots in Bucky fans as they rush to the rescue. The strange thing about reading these reviews (opinions) is that we all read them different thus developing our OWN opinion of that opinion. Some of us may even interpret it differently than it was intended. From reading the reviews, I have learned that apparently overall talent has to do with if you can write your own songs. It also has to do with the plausibility of the story - could this happen, why or why not, and what is wrong with the picture. If someone doesn't like the way you look, you're voice probably doesn't even matter since their mind is set. Get your start on a reallity show? Yep, that takes away credibility too. Spent 10 years bumping around playing local gigs? Well, that apparently should lift you up to the all-star rank even if it was just playing with friends in local taverns. This just your first album? That doesn't matter either, the first should be the best. And it continues, blah blah blah (insert audio clip of Charlie Brown's teacher here.)
Someone somewhere (probably someone famous with credentials) once said "opinions are like xxxholes, everyone has one". Truer words have never been spoken if you ask me. That said, one other thing I have learned is that you shouldn't mess with Bucky fans. You pick on Bucky and you are going to have 50 of us knocking on your door before you hit the send key to post your thoughts. We will defend him, fight for him, argue for him and represent him. We don't give up easy, and we do have a voice, a very loud one. So you naysayers are entitled to your opinion, but don't be shocked if a couple dozen of us show up to share ours too.
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