So I shamelessly admit I have entered the contest for tickets to the Stagecoach Festival. I have also entered both of the contests for the CMA Fan Fest (check CMT for a new contest with Keith Anderson as your tour guide!) If it involves airfare, a motel and passes - sign me up now! If I win, I will be there with bells on and cameras in tow. I promise to be a good fan and be on my best behavior, I will applaud all artists and treat them with respect. I also promise to treat fellow fans with respect unless they are extremely drunk and obnoxious - then I will treat them politely while evading their proximity as rapidly as possible.
So if I win, I will behave. I most certainly will. I will pack minimally (I only have so many Bucky shirts!) I will take my cameras everywhere and indulge the world with photos afterwards of my most excellent experience. I also promise to take far more photos of Bucky than of any other artist. I am not sure who I will take with me - perhaps the hubby, he is a big fan of country music. I might take my mom or my sister instead. They also love country music and have the added bonus of credit cards not attached to my own.
I know I am up against hundreds or even thousands of other entrants in these contests. I wish them good luck, but not quite as much good luck as I wish myself. I also expect the above behavior of them if they win. Indulge us all with photos (again heavy in the Bucky area) and behave in ways befitting a proper country fan. It would also be great if you wore Bucky t-shirts to the event - if you win and cannot find yours let me know and you can borrow mine. They are big, so should fit anyone either as a shirt or possibly a dress.
Wondering where to sign up to win the contests that I wish to win? Check out the following:
Indio CA - Stagecoach Festival Stagecoach Contest
CMT Ultimate Fan Experience CMT.com: The Ultimate Country Music Fan Experience Sweepstakes
CMT Keith Anderson Contest CMT.com: C'mon to Music Fest with Keith Anderson Sweepstakes
And like I said earlier - good luck! (just not as much good luck as I wish myself...)
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