These cute little faces are asking you to please call your local DJ repeatedly through the next few days and ask them to play "It's Good To Be Us" by Bucky Covington. Please remember to thank your most excellent DJ's for meeting your requests. We are losing plays left and right, so it is up to us to let the radio world know we are not ready for the decrease! We dipped into the Top 10, and darned if we don't belong there. We need to work to get back there though, and it is going to take a few days of hard work to do it.
I am issuing the same challenge that Buckymania! and The Covington Times have put forth. We together challenge you to call in your daily requests on your local and live stream stations and all the night time syndicated shows. I would like to also ask that you not forget those lunch hour all-request shows and the drive-time request shows. Each play counts, so request it where and when you can, as often as you can! Together as a group, we can push this song up up UP!!!
The cute little guys who are begging you today are the Bucky Buddies in progress. Watch later in the week for an update to the Buddies site as to what we have been doing, what we have going - and how much closer we are to our version of "The Big Give" (ok, it isn't so big, but it should mean a ton to the kids we can share it with).
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