I need to do the obligatory begging, please don't wait. Get on the phone and request It's Good To Be Us on your local country station. Bucky has hit #9 on the Billboard chart (wahoo!) but has dropped 2 spots on the Mediabase weighted chart. We need to up requests and keep fighting, this is a song that can and WILL become a Top 5 hit and hopefully even a #1. It won't happen without you though, Bucky's fans. Set a goal of calling 1x per shift to request, and ask for a friend or 5 to do the same. We can do this!!!
Today Bucky made his (albeit painfully brief) return to American Idol in a pre-recorded bit. If you did not get a chance to watch it or tape it, check YouTube in the next couple days. I am sure someone will post it. I will share the link here as well if someone happens across it. Thanks to the AI gang for the Bucky TV time!
On a personal front, just over a week left until my date with Bucky! I am so excited, I hope the M&G Goddesses shine down and give me a bit of one on one Bucky time. I will also be trying out a new camera which I am totally hyped about. More tomorrow!
Side note: today's pic is what you get if Bucky is cruising past to touch hands with fans, and instead of touching hands you blind him with your flash, sorry Bucky!
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